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Theatre & Events

Places to Remember

Times: 9:30am & 11:30am (90 mins) 
Price: Free, booking essential 
For: Primary, 2nd - 6th class 
For all queries and bookings email Deirdre: 

In this workshop, pupils will create mixed-media self-portraits considering their identity and relationship with a place, specific land or location.

Guided by artist/educator Sarah Edmondson, they will look at the works in Willie Doherty's exhibition, Remnant; identifying the different mediums and art elements used by the artist to create a specific mood and atmosphere.

Responding, they will re-create a landscape from memory or a place not yet visited, and position themselves within. Using collage and line drawing to create their artwork, pupils will also develop their literacy skills, writing about themselves, describing their landscape and their experience of the exhibition, a memory, which they will integrate into their final design.

Having worked as a post-primary art teacher, Sarah Edmondson has over 10 years’ experience delivering workshops in museums, galleries and education centres. Sarah’s art practice is informed by her dual role as an artist and educator. She is interested in the evolution of knowledge and the role iconic images from the history of art and the media have on our understanding of the natural world.
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